New Year Blessings

I hope you have all had a restful and peaceful holiday break.  I'm getting back to my studio routine myself.  Here is a still life just completed that will be at the Weiss Gallery shortly.  It is 10x12", oil on board as usual.Painting for me is a spiritual practice which is profound when working from life.  A very wise master says that each and every object we give our attention to holds the key to our(and its) enlightenment.  In contemplation and observation of  objects I ask to receive insight into the truth of what is there before me.  This practice grows from the knowledge that all things are living energy rather than  inert matter with some sort of consciousness to reveal.  Truly I'm asking for the divine consciousness that is there in what appears to be paper, fabric, ink and clay to be revealed. Fascinating and peaceful beyond measure- a true synthesis of (mystic)meditation and painting.Until next week when I will post the project at my easel now,Blessings for your early 2010,janine