Hello dear reader,Welcome if you are new to reading and if you have been following along over the last few months, thank you for your patience. At long last I've finished the major painting I've been working on called "COMPASS". It has been a rich experience that has shifted my creative energy significantly. When I began the piece months ago, compelled to bring into form a vision in my mind's eye, I underestimated both the time it would take and the depth of the experience. See, it was a simple enough vision, expressing a spiritual concept that is (I think) fundamental to our-humanity's-evolution, yet I was unaware of how relevent the concept was to be for me while actually bringing forth the image. Given the image I was making my integrity called me to honour the guidance of my own intuition, felt essentially in my heart. As a result he finished work contains elements that I never clearly envisioned at the start when I began with a clear composition containing basically two figures and a desk.
I became very conscious of the creative flow, and very aware of when I was painting guided by intellect and then guided by intuition, a fascinating discernment which I'm sure I'll speak more about because the experience speaks directly to what I believe humans and art are. For the moment though, the end result of this painting is perfectly aligned with the original concept from months ago and the experience has impressed upon me its truth.The painting will be at The Weiss Gallery where I will have many of my paintings on display at the end of November.
Once I have a good picture of the whole painting I will put it up with a more detailed discussion of it. I must also introduce you to the landscapes that will be there. For now enjoy the details of COMPASS.
Finally, The Weiss Gallery will open a show of paintings by Daniel Barkley on October 30th- I haven't seen the paintings yet in person but they look beautiful and very interesting. Here's the link to the gallery:http://www.theweissgallery.com
Until next time dear reader,Janine